Breviceps sopranus Minter, 2003
B. sopranus is a recently described species (Minter 2003). Since the distribution and biology of this species are poorly known, an accurate assessment of its conservation status is not possible at present. It is therefore assigned to the category “Data Deficient” (Text from Minter et al., 2004, © SI/MAB Biodiversity Program).
Distribution, life history and ecological data are urgently needed in order to adequately address the conservation needs of this species (Text from Minter et al., 2004, © SI/MAB Biodiversity Program).
Outside of these protected areas much of the natural habitat of this species has been destroyed by the farming of crops such as sugarcane, and by deforestation in the Dukuduku forest (Text from Minter et al., 2004, © SI/MAB Biodiversity Program).
The males of B. sopranus range from 22–26.2 mm (N = 14) in body length. This species is morphology similar to B. mossambicus and B. bagginsi (Text from Minter et al., 2004, © SI/MAB Biodiversity Program).
B. sopranus is found in South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho and may also occur in southern Mozambique (Passmore and Carruthers, 1995; Minter 1998, 2003; Text from Minter et al., 2004, © SI/MAB Biodiversity Program).
B. sopranus inhabits a variety of vegetation types within the Forest and Savanna biomes: it is found in the dense, herbaceous undercover (Text from Minter et al., 2004, © SI/MAB Biodiversity Program).
Breeding takes place between early October and early January. Amplexus and oviposition have not been observed (Text from Minter et al., 2004, © SI/MAB Biodiversity Program).