
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
A. Channing1979Ecological and systematic relationships of Rana and Strongylopus in southern Natal.
V. C. Carruthers, Carruthers J.1979A Guide to the Frogs of the Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve
J. C. Greig, Boycott, R. C., De Villiers, A. L.1979Notes on the elevation of Rana fasciata montana FitzSimons, 1946 to specific rank, and on the identity of Rana fasciata sensu Burchell, 1824 (Anura: Ranidae)
R. Barbault, T. Rodrigues T.1979Observations sur la reproduction et la dynamique de spopulations de quelques anoures tropiceaux IV. Phrynobatrachus accraensis
J. - L. Perret1979Remarques et mise au point sur quelques especes de Ptychadena (Amphibia, Ranidae)
R. Bourgat1979Trématodes d’Amphibiens du Togo
J. Visser1979Wonderwêreld van die paddas 13. Kaapse en Natalse Kriekpadda, Hogsback-padda en Kloofpadda.
R. G. Bowker, Bowker M. H.1979Abundance and Distribution of Anurans in a Kenyan Pond
J. - L. Amiet19801979. Description de ladulte et de la larve dHyperolius bopeleti n. sp. (Amphibia Anura, Hyperoliidae).
J. - L. Perret1980Sur quelques Ptychadena (Amphibia, Ranidae) d’Ethiopie.
J. - L. Amiet1980Un Hyperolius nouveau du Cameroun: Hyperolius endjami n. sp. (Amphibia Anura, Hyperoliidae).
H. R. Kobel, L. Pasquier, du, Gloor, H.1980Xenopus amieti sp. nov. (Anura: Pipidae) from the Cameroons, another case of tetraploidy.
J. P. Bogart1980Evolutionary implication of polyploidy in amphibians and reptiles
M. L. Wake1980The reproductive biology of Nectophrynoides malcomi (Amphibia: Bufonidae), with comments on the evolution of reproductive modes in the genus Nectophrynoides
J. - L. Amiet19811980. Revision du genre Leptodactylodon Andersson (Amphibia, Anura, Astylosterninae).
B. T. Clarke1981Comparative osteology and evolutionary relationships in the African Raninae (Anura Ranidae)
J. - L. Amiet1981Ecologie, éthologie et développement de Phrynodon sandersoni Parker, 1939 (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae)
H. H. Braack, Davidson, I. H., Ledger, J. A., Lewis, D. J.1981Records of sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) feeding on Amphibia, with a new record from the Kruger National Park
J. P. Bogart, Tandy M.1981Chromosome lineages in African ranoid frogs
U. Joger1981Herpeto Faunistics of West Africa
J. P. Bogart1981How many times has terrestrial breeding evolved in anuran amphibians?
A. Morescalchi1981Karyology of the main groups of African frogs
N. I. Passmore1981Sound Levels of Mating Calls of Some African Frogs
A. Channing1981Southern origin of the African genus Strongylopus tschudi, 1838 (Amphibia Ranidae)
1982Aspects of mate recognition and social behaviour in a sub-tropical frog community
N. H. G. Jacobsen1982Cavernicolous amphibians.
1982Diagnose préliminaire d’une espèce nouvelle de Xenopus du Za{"ıre.
L. R. G. Raw1982A new species of Reed Frogs (Amphibia: Hyperoliidae) from the coastal lowlands of Natal, South Africa
R. C. Boycott1982On the taxonomic status of Heleophryne regis Hewitt, 1909 (Anura: Leptodactylidae)
M. Tandy, Bogart, J. P., Largen, M. J., Feeber, D. J.1982A tetraploid species of Bufo (Anura, Bufonidae) from Ethiopia.
A. Schiøtz1982Two new Hyperolius (Anura) from Tanzania
J. - L. Amiet1982Une nouvelle Cardioglossa orophile de la dorsale camerounaise: C. schioetzi nov. sp. (Amphibia, Anura, Arthroleptinae).
R. A. Nussbaum1982Heterotopic Bones in the Hind Limbs of Frogs of the Families Pipidae Ranidae and Sooglossidae
C. Patterson1982Morphological characters and homology
K. N. Hirji, Nikundiwe A. M.1982Observations on the Esophageal Glands in Some Tanzanian Anurans
A. Dubois1982Phrynobatrachinae LAURENT, 1940 (Amphibia, Anura) Proposed Conservation
C. Loumont1983Deux especes nouvelles de Xenopus du Cameroon (Amphibia, Pipidae).
P. Matschie1983Einege anscheinend neue Reptilien und Amphibien aus West-Afrika.
A. G. C. Grandison, Howell K. M.1983A new forest species of Phrynobatrachus (Anura: Ranidae) from Morogoro Region, Tanzania
J. - L. Amiet1983Une espèce mèconnue de Petropedetes du Cameroun: Petropedetes parkeri n. sp. (Amphibia Anura: Ranidae, Phrynobatrachinae)
M. Lamotte1983Amphibians in savanna ecosystems
T. Potthoff1983Clearing and Staining Techniques
E. J. Moll, Campbell, B. M., Cowling, R. M., Bossi, L., Jarman, M. L., Boucher, C.1984A Description of Major Vegetation Categories in and adjacent to the Fynbos Biome
ed. C. Walton1984Reader’s Digest Atlas of Southern Africa
R. Barbault1984Stratégies de reproduction et démographie de quelques amphibiens anoures tropicaux
M. Pickersgill1984Three new Afrixalus (Anura: Hyperoliidae) from south-eastern Africa
J. Hanken1984[TITLE BLANK]
S. B. Emerson1984Morphological Variation in Frog Pectoral Girdles Testing Alternatives to a Traditional Adaptive Explanation
J. C. Poynton, Broadley D. G.1985Amphibia Zambesiaca 2: Ranidae
J. C. Poynton, Broadley D. G.1985Amphibia Zambeziaca 1. Scolecomorphidae, Pipidae, Micohylidae, Hemisidae, Artroleptidae


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith