
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
J. J. Tschudi1838Classification der Batrachier mit Berücksichtigung der fossilen Thiere dieser Abtheilung der Reptilien
T. Potthoff1983Clearing and Staining Techniques
R. E. Schulze1997Climate
M. Kalk1960Climate and breeding in Xenopus laevis
N. D. Burgess, Clarke, G. P., Rodgers, W. A.1998Coastal forests of eastern Africa: Status, endemism patterns and their potential causes
J. B. Pramuk2002Combined evidence and cladistic relationships of West Indian toads (Anura: Bufonidae)
R. Ernst, Rödel M. - O.2006Community assembly and structure of tropical leaf-litter anurans
B. T. Clarke1981Comparative osteology and evolutionary relationships in the African Raninae (Anura Ranidae)
B. M. Zimkus, Rödel, M. - O., Hillers, A.2010Complex patterns of speciation and diversity among African frogs (genus Phrynobatrachus)
G. A. Boulenger1898Concluding report on the late Capt. Bottegos collection of reptiles and batrachians from Somaliland and British East Africa
G. {\c H. c}alves, Mart{\'ınez-Solano, I., Ferrand, N., Garc{\'ıa-Par{\'ıs, M.2007Conflicting phylogenetic signal of nuclear vs mitochondrial DNA markers in midwife toads (Anura, Discoglossidae, Alytes): Deep coalescence or ancestral hybridization?
M. - O. Rödel, Schiøtz A.2004Conraua alleni
M. J. Largen2004Conraua beccarii
M. - O. Rödel, Schiøtz A.2004Conraua derooi
J. - L. Amiet2004Conraua goliath
J. - L. Amiet, Gartshore M.2004Conraua robusta
J. A. Harrison, Burger, M., Minter, L. R., de Villiers, A. L., Baard, E. H. W., Scott, E., Bishop, P. J., Ellis, S.2001Conservation Assessment and Management Plan for Southern African Frogs: Final Report.
J. - L. Perret1986Considérations sur le genre Phlyctimantis Laurent et Combaz (Anura, Hyerpoliidae).
C. Ruas1996Contribuicao para o conhecimento da fauna de batraquios de Angola
J. L. J. Hulselmans1971Contribution a l’herpetologie de la Republique du Togo. 4. Description de Conraua derooi n.sp. (Amphibia)
J. Sabeter-Pi1985Contribution to the biology of the Giant Frog (Conraua goliath, Boulenger).
J. Köhler, Scheelke, K., Schick, S., Veith, M., Lötters, S.2005Contribution to the taxonomy of hyperoliid frogs (Amphibia: Anura: Hyperoliidae): advertisement calls of twelve species from East and Central Africa
R. Laurent1941Contribution à l’ostéologie at à la systématique des ranides africains
R. Laurent1940Contribution à l’ostéologie at à la systématique des ranides africains
M. Lamotte1958Contribution à l’étude des Batraciens de l’Ouest africain
P. Chabanaud1921Contributions a l’etude de la faune herpetologique de l’Afrique occidentale. II. Deuxième note
G. K. Noble1924Contributions to the herpetology of the Belgian Congo based on the collection of the American Museum Congo Expedition, 1909-1915. Part III. Amphibia.
P. Chabanaud1920Contributions à létude de la faune herpétologique de lAfrique occidentale. I. Note préliminaire sur les résultats dune mission scientifique en Guinée fran{\c c}aise (1919-1920).
G. Scortecci1929Contributo alla conoscenza degli anfibi dell Eritrea.
F. Bossuyt, Milinkovitch M. C.2000Convergent adaptive radiations in Madagascan and Asian ranid frogs reveal covariation between larval and adult traits
A. Channing, Moyer, D., Burger, M.2002Cryptic species of sharp-nosed reed frogs in the Hyperolius nasutus complex: Advertisement call differences
M. Lamotte, Vilter V.1953Cycle écologique et phoosensibilité rétinienne chez Nectophrynoides occidentalis, Bufonidé vivipare de l’Ouest-Africain
A. Morescalchi1990Cytogenetics and the problem of Lissamphibian relationships
M. - O. Rödel, Ernst, R., Leistner, G., Fahr, J.2000Death-feigning in some West African frogs
C. Weldon, Preez L. H. Du2004Decline of the Kihansi Spray Toad, Nectophrynoides asperginis, from the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania
D. C. Blackburn2009Description and phylogenetic relationships of two new species of miniature Arthroleptis (Anura: Arthroleptidae) from the eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania
G. F. de Witte1921Description de batraciens nouveaux du Congo belge
J. - L. Amiet1972Description de cinq nouvelles especes camerounaises de Cardioglossa (Amphbiens, Anoures).
F. Angel1924Description de deux batraciens nouveaux dAfrique orientale anglaise, appartenant au genre Phrynobatrachus (Mission Alluaud et Jeannel, 1911-1912)
R. F. Laurent1979Description de deux Hyperolius nouveaux du Sankuru (Za{"ıre) (Amphibia, Hyperoliidae)
J. - L. Perret1991Description de Ptychadena ingeri n. sp. (Anura, Ranidae) du Za{"ıre.
F. Angel1940Description de trois Amphibiens nouveaux du Cameroun, materiaux de la mission P. Lepesme, R. Paulian et A. Villiers.
J. Guibé1959Description dun batracien nouveau de Côte dIvoire: Phrynobatrachus villiersi n. sp.
R. F. Laurent1940Description dun rhacophoride nouveau du Congo Belge (Batracien).
G. F. de Witte1932Description d’un batracien nouveau du Katanga
G. F. de Witte1932Description d’un batracien nouveau du Katanga
P. Chabanaud1919Description d’une espèce nouvelle de batracien du Sénégal
A. Ohler, Kazadi M.1990Description d’une nouvelle espèce du genre Aubria Boulenger, 1917 (Amphibiens, Anoures) et redescription du type d’Aubria subsigillata (A. Duméril, 1856)
A. Dawood, Channing A.2002Description of a new cryptic species of African sand frog, Tomopterna damarensis (Anura: Ranidae), from Namibia
G. A. Boulenger1907Description of a new Engystomatid Frog of the Genus Breviceps from Namaqaaland


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith