
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
M. Pickersgill, Channing, A., Poynton, J. C.2004Phrynobatrachus rungwensis
J. - L. Amiet2004Phrynobatrachus sandersoni
M. Pickersgill2004Phrynobatrachus scapularis
S. N. Stuart, Cox N. A.2008Phrynobatrachus scheffleri
J. - L. Amiet2004Phrynobatrachus steindachneri
A. Channing, Mazibuko, L., Poynton, J. C.2004Phrynobatrachus stewartae
M. Pickersgill, Drewes R. C.2004Phrynobatrachus sulfureogularis
M. - O. Rödel2004Phrynobatrachus taiensis
M. - O. Rödel, Schiøtz A.2006Phrynobatrachus tokba
L. Mazibuko, Poynton J. C.2004Phrynobatrachus ukingensis
M. Pickersgill2008Phrynobatrachus ungujae
K. M. Howell, Loader, S. P., Menegon, M.2004Phrynobatrachus uzungwensis
R. C. Drewes, Pickersgill M.2004Phrynobatrachus versicolor
M. - O. Rödel, Schiøtz A.2004Phrynobatrachus villiersi
J. - L. Amiet2004Phrynobatrachus werneri
A. Channing, Minter L.2004Phrynomantis annectens
I. Mart{\'ınez-Solano, c}alves, H. A. Gon{\c, Arntzen, J. W., Garc{\'ıa-Par{\'ıs, M.2004Phylogenetic relationships and biogeography of midwife toads (Discoglossidae: Alytes)
S. P. Loader, Gower, D. J., Howell, K. M., Doggart, N., Rödel, M. - O., Clarke, B. T., De Sa, R. O., Cohen, B. L., Wilkinson, M.2004Phylogenetic relationships of African microhylid frogs inferred from DNA sequences of mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes
A. M. Wieczorek, Drewes, R. C., Channing, A.2001Phylogenetic relationships within the Hyperolius viridiflavus complex (Anura: Hyperoliidae), and comments on taxonomic status
C. M. Richards, Nussbaum, R. A., Raxworthy, C. J.2000Phylogenetic relationships within the Madagascan boophids and mantellids as elucidated by mitochondrial ribosomal genes
S. Hertwig, De Sa, R. O., Haas, A.2004Phylogenetic signal and the utility of 12S and 16S mtDNA in frog phylogeny
F. Bossuyt, Brown, R. M., Hillis, D. M., Cannatella, D. C., Milinkovitch, M. C.2006Phylogeny and biogeography of a cosmopolitan frog radiation: Late cretaceous diversification resulted in continent-scale endemism in the family ranidae
S. Hoegg, Vences, M., Brinkmann, H., Meyer, A.2004Phylogeny and comparative substitution rates of frogs inferred from sequences of three nuclear genes
M. Vences, Kosuch, J., Rödel, M. - O., Lötters, S., Channing, A., Glaw, F., Böhme, W.2004Phylogeography of Ptychadena mascareniensis suggests transoceanic dispersal in a widespread Africa-Malagasy frog lineage
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M. Tandy, Channing, A., Poynton, J.2004Poyntonophrynus beiranus
A. Channing, Tandy M.2004Poyntonophrynus damaranus
L. R. Minter, Harrison, J., Tandy, M.2004Poyntonophrynus vertebralis
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M. - O. Rödel, Mahsberg D.2000Preliminary list of the snakes of the Tai National Park/Ivory Coast and adjacent areas
D. T. Rowe-Rowe1977Prey capture and feeding behaviour of South African otters
N. ’G. Germain Kouame, Tohe, B., Assemian, N. ’G. Emmanuel, Gourene, G., Rödel, M. - O.2008Prey composition of two syntopic Phrynobatrachus species in the swamp forest of Banco National Park, Ivory Coast
F. J. Mkonyi, Ngalason, W., Msuya, C. A., Howell, K. M., Channing, A.2004Probreviceps loveridgei, Probreviceps uluguruensis and Probreviceps macrodactylus (Loveridge’s forest frog, Uluguru forest frog, long-fingered forest frog) advertisement calls
A. Salvador, Donaire-Barroso, D., E. Mouden, E., Slimani, T., Geniez, P., Mateo, J.2006Pseudepidalea brongersmai
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J. Poynton, Largen, M., Howell, K., Channing, A., Minter, L., Lötters, S.2004Ptychadena anchietae
M. - O. Rödel, Amiet, J. - L., Ohler, A.2004Ptychadena bibroni
M. Largen, Howell K.2004Ptychadena christyi
M. J. Largen2004Ptychadena cooperi. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1. Downloaded on 21 October 2013
A. Channing2004Ptychadena mapacha
M. - O. Rödel, Amiet, J. - L., Largen, M.2004Ptychadena pumilio
M. - O. Rödel, Amiet J. - L.2009Ptychadena trinodis.
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith