
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
A. Dubois1992Notes sur la classification des Ranidae (Amphibiens Anoures)
Jv. Bedriaga1892Notes sur les amphibiens et reptiles recueillis par M. Adolphe F. Moller aus Iles de la Guinée.
E. D. Cope1862Notes upon some reptiles of the Old World
J. E. Gray1864Notice of a new genus (Silurana) of frogs from West Africa
E. Hallowell1858Notice on a collection of reptiles from the Gaboon country, West Africa, recently presented to the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, by Dr. Henry A. Ford
R. F. Laurent1940Nouveaux batraciens congolais du genre Hyperolius.
A. van der Meijden, Vences, M., Meyer, A.2004Novel phylogenetic relationships of the enigmatic brevicipitine and scaphiophrynine toads as revealed by sequences from the nuclear Rag-1 gene
A. van der Meijden, Vences, M., Hoegg, S., Boistel, R., Channing, A., Meyer, A.2007Nuclear gene phylogeny of narrow-mouthed toads (Family: Microhylidae) and a discussion of competing hypotheses concerning their biogeographical origins
S. R. Palumbi1996Nucleic Acids II: The polymerase chain reaction
G. Scortecci1932Nuove specie di anfibi e rettili della Somalia italiana.
M. J. Coe1974Observations on the ecology and breeding biology of the genus Chiromantis.
K. N. Hirji, Nikundiwe A. M.1982Observations on the Esophageal Glands in Some Tanzanian Anurans
A. Channing1993Observations on the natural history of Stephopaedes anotis (Bufonidae)
R. Barbault, T. Rodrigues T.1979Observations sur la reproduction et la dynamique de spopulations de quelques anoures tropiceaux IV. Phrynobatrachus accraensis
R. Paulian, Vilardebo A.1946Observations sur le regime alimentaire des batraciens en basse Cote d’Ivoire
M. Lamotte1959Observations écologiques sur les populations naturelles de Nectophrynoides occidentalis (Fam. Bufonidés)
J. C. Poynton, Haacke W. D.1993On a collection of amphibians from Angola, including a new species of Bufo Laurenti
G. A. Boulenger1905On a collection of batrachians and reptiles made in South Africa by Mr. C. H. B. Grant, and presented to the British Museum by Mr. C. D. Rudd.
A. Loveridge1938On a collection of reptiles and amphibians from Liberia
L. Schilthuis1889On a small collection of Amphibia from the Congo with description of a new species.
A. Loveridge1955On Amphibia Salientia from Ivory Coast
J. Hewitt1933On new and rare frogs from Chirinda Forest.
S. F. Bush1952On Rana umbraculata, a new frog from South Africa.
A. Loveridge1951On reptiles and amphibians from Tanganyika Territory collected by C.J.P. Ionides
L. Hess Stejneger1894On some collections of reptiles and batrachians from East Africa and the adjacent islands, recently received from Dr. W.L. Abbott and Mr. William Astor Chanler, with descriptions of new species,
B. Lanza1978On some new or interesting East African amphibians and reptiles
J. Hewitt1925On some new species of reptiles and amphibians from South Africa.
E. D. Cope1867On the families of the raniform Anura
W. Kukenthal1912On the hair-like appendages in the frog Astylosternus robustus (Blgr)
J. H. Power1927On the herpetological fauna of the Lobatsi-Linokana area.
J. B. Procter1919On the Skull and Affinities of Rana subsigillata A. Dum.
R. C. Boycott1982On the taxonomic status of Heleophryne regis Hewitt, 1909 (Anura: Leptodactylidae)
E. G. Boulenger1915On two new tree-frogs from Sierra Leone, recently living in the Societys Gardens.
D. C. Blackburn, Moreau C. S.2006Ontogenetic diet change in the arthroleptid frog Schoutedenella xenodactyloides
A. Channing1988Opportunistic seasonal breeding by frogs in Namaqualand
C. M. Hogan2013Orange River
C. Weldon, Preez, L. H. Du, Hyatt, A. D., Speare, R.2004Origin of the amphibian chytrid fungus
M. Lamotte, Roy, R., Girard, C., Bangoura, A.1999Orophilie et endémisme dans le peuplement animal du Mont nimba (Guinée, Côte d’Ivoire et Libéria)
L. Camerano1878Osservazioni intorno agli anfibi anuri del Marocco
G. Scortecci1931Osservazioni su Rana beccarii Blgr
G. Pfeffer1893Ostafrikanische Reptilien und Amphibien, gesammelt von Herrn Dr. F. Stuhlmann im Jahre 1888 und 1889
C. A. Sheil1999Osteology and Skeletal Development of Pyxicephalus adspersus (Anura: Ranidae: Raninae)
V. W. H. Rudolf, Rödel M. - O.2005Oviposition site selection in a complex and variable environment: the role of habitat quality and conspecific cues
M. M. Stewart1974Parallel Pattern Polymorphism in the Genus Phrynobatrachus (Amphibia: Ranidae)
M. Fabrezi, Emerson S. B.2003Parallelism and convergence in anuran fangs
M. Fabrezi, Barg M.2001Patterns of carpal development among anuran amphibians
A. M. Goebel, Donnelly, J. M., Atz, M. E.1999PCR primers and amplification methods for 12S ribosomal DNA, the control region, cytochrome oxidase I, and cytochrome b in Bufonids and other frogs, and an overview of PCR primers which have amplified DNA in amphibians successfully
A. Salvador, Donaire-Barroso, D., Slimani, T., E. Mouden, E., Geniez, P.2004Pelobates varaldii
J. - L. Amiet2004Petropedetes johnstoni
M. - O. Rödel2004Petropedetes natator


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith