
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
A. Channing, Howell K.2006Amphibians of East Africa
A. Channing, Howell, K., Loader, S.2006Callulina kisiwamsitu
B. El S. Din2006A Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Egypt
D. R. Frost, Grant, T., Faivovich, J., Bain, R. H., Haas, A., Haddad, C. F. B., De Sa, R. O., Channing, A., Wilkinson, M., Donnellan, S. C., Raxworthy, C. J., Campbell, J. A., Blotto, B. L., Moler, P., Drewes, R. C., Nussbaum, R. A., Lynch, J. D., Green, Dm, Wheeler, W. C.2006The amphibian tree of life
A. Haas, Mitgutsch, C., Hertwig, S., Dawood, A., Channing, A.2006The tadpole of Tomopterna luganga Channing, Moyer & Dawood, 2004 (Anura : Ranidae)
W. Hirschmann, Hoedl W.2006Visual signaling in Phrynobatrachus krefftii Boulenger, 1909 (Anura : Ranidae)
A. D. Leache, Rödel, M. - O., Linkem, C. W., Diaz, R. E., Hillers, A., Fujita, M. K.2006Biodiversity in a forest island: reptiles and amphibians of the West African Togo Hills
S. LEE, ZIPPEL, K., RAMOS, L., SEARLE, J.2006Captive-breeding programme for the Kihansi spray toad Nectophrynoides asperginis at the Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx, New York
S. P. Loader, Channing, A., Menegon, M., Davenport, T. R.2006A new species of Probreviceps (Amphibia: Anura) from the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania
M. - O. Rödel, Hallermann J.2006Rediscovery and identity of Phrynobatrachus monticola Fischer, 1884
M. - O. Rödel, Schiøtz A.2006Phrynobatrachus tokba
A. Salvador, Donaire-Barroso, D., E. Mouden, E., Slimani, T., Geniez, P., Mateo, J.2006Pseudepidalea brongersmai
A. Schiøtz2006Notes on the genus Hyperolius in central République Démocratique du Congo
A. Schiøtz2006Reflections on the Hyperolius nasutus group (Anura, Hyperoliidae)
S. Stuart2006Strongylopus kilimanjaro
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith